by lcbaker | Dec 9, 2011 | Green Living
I’ve been a fan for a long time of Buy Nothing Christmas. Not because I’m lazy (ok, maybe it’s a little bit because I’m lazy), or because I don’t like to spend money on my relatives (ok, maybe it’s a little of that too), but mostly...
by lcbaker | Oct 6, 2011 | Cloth Diapers
Jennifer Labit, the owner of Cotton Babies, the cloth diaper company that manufactures BumGenius diapers, had an interesting post last week about the future of the cloth diaper industry. She believes–and I agree wholeheartedly–that cloth diapers will...
by lcbaker | Sep 16, 2011 | Green Living
It’s funny. Before I was a parent, I thought of myself as an environmentalist. But even though I did some volunteer activist work and wrote a lot about the environment, I never managed to shift my lifestyle that much. I tried to bike and walk instead of driving....
by lcbaker | Aug 12, 2011 | Natural Parenting
Now that I’m about halfway through pregnancy with my second child, I’ve been thinking a lot about what stuff I really need for a new baby. Google this sometime–you’ll be amazed by the lists. Even the minimalist lists often strike me as having a...
by lcbaker | Aug 9, 2011 | Green Living
Now that I’m pregnant with my second child, I’ve started to hear the siren call of a bigger car. One with air conditioning. And enough pick-up to feel safe driving on the highway. I feel guilty about this on so many levels. First, there’s the money....