by lcbaker | Feb 1, 2012 | Cloth Diapers
I guess it makes sense that my latest obsession with simple diapering systems (i.e., flat diapers) would also lead to an obsession with wool covers. I never used wool covers with my daughter. I was intimidated by the whole wash routine (what exactly is lanolin, and...
by lcbaker | Nov 7, 2011 | Green Living
As promised, here are the results of my no-sew DIY costumes. I was pretty pleased with the results! My daughter, of course, LOVED it. “This is my most beautiful, beautiful dress!” she said. And she wore it all week, of course. She’d still be wearing...
by lcbaker | Oct 26, 2011 | Green Living
Today at Natural Parents Network, the Wordless Wednesday theme is dress-up play. Somehow I missed the invitation to submit for this, which is a shame, because I have a lot of pictures of my daughter dressing up. If I had submitted a picture, I think I would have...
by lcbaker | Aug 11, 2011 | Babywearing
1. Many baby carriers have only one ingredient–organic cotton. Those that use more materials in manufacturing usually only involve a few, maybe some metal rings and some plastic buckles. As far as the amount of resources used, they come out ahead of a stroller...