Organic Baby Atlanta
You don't have to be a hippie mom to raise your baby greenmom forum acronyms
This may be a little off topic for this blog. But I learned most of what I know about green, organic parenting by hanging out in mom forums. So I figure it may be useful to help other moms navigate the strange language of forums. And let me tell you, there is some...
disposable vs. cloth: is hybrid the answer?
Jennifer Labit, the owner of Cotton Babies, the cloth diaper company that manufactures BumGenius diapers, had an interesting post last week about the future of the cloth diaper industry. She believes--and I agree wholeheartedly--that cloth diapers will become more...
how a mom can take care of herself
A friend of mine re-posted this article today about what mothers need to give themselves. I could not agree more with the general principle, but it made me realize that I may be a little weirder than I thought. (I know you're not surprised. I'm okay with that.)...
milksharing booby traps
September 24 - October 1 is the first World Milksharing Week. I really wanted to celebrate this by hosting a blog carnival on the topic, but I didn't get that organized in time. Maybe next year. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the first-ever Milksharing Picnic...
10 things pregnancy has taught me about my body that I would rather not know
I've mentioned before how much I hate being pregnant. No offense to all you earth mamas out there who love it--I can earth mama with the best of you once this baby gets OUT already--but I really do hate pregnancy. Pretty much the only redeeming factor of being...
it’s a free-range, walk-in-the-rain kind of day
Last night I wrote an email to one of my favorite blogs, and she featured it in her post this morning. Read it at Free-Range Kids. And while I was thinking about being free-range and green and natural and getting outdoors, I decided that my daughter and I just had to...
true confessions tuesday: I’m a terrible cook
For some reason, anytime I hear anything with "organic" in the name, I associate it with food. Unless it's a baby carrier or a cloth diaper, I tend to assume that organic means something edible. (And even if it's not supposed to be edible, it's probably okay for a...
10 essential parenting skills that I learned from elimination communication
One of the biggest misconceptions about elimination communication--one I hear all the time--is the idea that the point of it is potty training. Which is perfectly understandable: it does involve helping a baby use the potty, so it can look a lot like potty training...
ways to reduce your waste: throwaway products you can live without
It's funny. Before I was a parent, I thought of myself as an environmentalist. But even though I did some volunteer activist work and wrote a lot about the environment, I never managed to shift my lifestyle that much. I tried to bike and walk instead of driving. I...
how to save money on diapers
An article in Advertising Age last week cited a correlation between falling disposable diaper sales and rising diaper rash cream sales to conclude that the economy is causing parents to change diapers less often. Many commenters disagree, stating that the falling...
reasons to have a natural birth
There are plenty of resources that explain the benefits of natural birth. But--let's be honest--even those that start out with scientific reasons (of which there are many) tend to start sounding pretty flowery by the end. I can understand this. It's hard to stop it....
how elimination communication supports breastfeeding
Over the weekend I got to hear world-renowned breastfeeding educator Jack Newman speak at an Atlanta Bellies to Babies event. I've read his articles and website a lot in the past--he's a great resource--although I've always thought it was a little strange for a man to...
how to write a birth plan for a home birth
When you're planning a home birth, it's easy to feel like you don't need a birth plan. I think for a lot of moms, the point of a birth plan, really is to tell your caregivers about the ways you hope your birth will differ from the "normal" birth in that setting. In a...
controversial topics in infant feeding
I've been following several interesting threads on facebook this weekend, and I realized this morning that they have a common thread: infant feeding. More specifically, the controversial topics surrounding infant feeding. There's a lot more to the controversy than...
becoming a better parent: what I’ve learned from my husband
Everybody knows that moms don't get vacations. In fact, going on vacation is often a lot more work for a mom than staying home. However, on long weekends like this one, I often feel like I'm getting a vacation. Not like I can take the whole day off or anything. But I...
Atlanta diaper service now offers AIOs and pockets!
I can't believe I'm finding this out by reading the blog, but this is super exciting news. Atlanta Diaper Service is now offering all-in-one, pocket, and hybrid diapers as options for the diaper service. Let me tell you why this is so cool. 1. There's nothing more...
what to plant now in your southeast garden
I'm not much of a gardener. Some people enjoy gardening for its own sake: they like crouching over a row of plants with the sun beating on their necks, getting dirt under their fingernails. I'm not one of those people. (Ok, maybe I kind of like the dirt part.) I think...
what i’ve learned from my three year old
The Wordless Wednesday theme at Natural Parents Network this week is learning from our children. Here's what I've learned from my daughter: Fashion isn't about matching colors or styles--it's about how much YOU love your outfit!