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Organic Baby Atlanta

You don't have to be a hippie mom to raise your baby green

what to expect of your prenatal care

When I was first thinking through the reasons to have a home birth, back when I was pregnant with my daughter, prenatal care was pretty low on the list. Prenatal care wasn't that big a deal to me. As long as you get the basic minimum of prenatal care, that's all that...

pre-labor: it’s all Facebook’s fault

Yesterday I jinxed myself with a Facebook post. I've often done this. With EC, for example, every time I posted something like "I think my daughter is finally a graduate," she would immediately pee on the floor. Or if I posted something like, "I think we've recovered...

how to breastfeed a newborn

Recently I've had several conversations with moms of newborns that made me think how little any of us realize what it's actually like to breastfeed a newborn. I think this is true whether you've had a baby before or not. Forgetting what it's like to nurse a newborn is...

diy halloween costumes: the results

As promised, here are the results of my no-sew DIY costumes. I was pretty pleased with the results! My daughter, of course, LOVED it. "This is my most beautiful, beautiful dress!" she said. And she wore it all week, of course. She'd still be wearing it today if she...

baby registry for a green mom

I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my second child, and I've never had a baby shower. When I was pregnant with my daughter, several friends and family offered to throw me a shower, and I refused. I haven't had any offers this time around, either because people don't think...

diy costumes and dressing up

Today at Natural Parents Network, the Wordless Wednesday theme is dress-up play. Somehow I missed the invitation to submit for this, which is a shame, because I have a lot of pictures of my daughter dressing up. If I had submitted a picture, I think I would have...

mommy talk show & my new project

Last Saturday I had a blast being part of the taping of the webcast Mommy Talk Show at Green Mosaics in Decatur. Episodes will air every Tuesday and Saturday for the next few weeks, so you can watch it in segments when you like. I talked about several embarrassing...

pregnancy weight gain: does it matter?

I meant to post this yesterday but didn't get around to it. Consider it True Confession Wednesday, because I think it's time for me to make another embarrassing admission. My confession for the week is this: I'm 31 weeks pregnant, and I weigh more right now than I did...

the best cloth diapers for you

What's the best kind of cloth diapers? Ask three different cloth diapering moms, and you'll probably get three different answers. Which type of diaper is "best" depends on many factors--not just price, features, and appearance, but also fit and your baby's build. The...

31 weeks pregnant and nesting

I never nested in my first pregnancy. I kept waiting for that moment when I would magically feel an urge to fold laundry. Or at least sweep the floor. But it never came. And after my daughter was born, I stopped caring entirely what my house looked like, which led to...

organic, free-range toddler

Organic and free range usually go together like costumes and Halloween. When you're talking about food, the labels are often used synonymously (although they're actually pretty different, in ways that are significant). And even though "organic" is the label that's won...