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13 little-known tricks to gently help your baby sleep

13 little-known tricks to gently help your baby sleep

Parents don’t need to sleep. You know that, right? Babies need sleep. It’s absolutely essential for their neurological development that they get at least 70% of the recommended hours of sleep (which you can reference here). If they get less, their...
the real dangers of cosleeping

the real dangers of cosleeping

Cosleeping is a controversial practice these days. You’ve probably heard the warnings: it will ruin your sleep, destroy your marriage, prevent your child from developing independence, and give your baby an oedipal complex. Not to mention raising the risk of...
what to do when your baby is awake in the night

what to do when your baby is awake in the night

Last night, my wonderful sleeping newborn, who has slept so well since he was born, decided to sleep like a baby instead. Darn newborn sleep. Anyway, he was awake and crying from 2 am to 4 am. Lovely. I know this because I’m tracking his sleep patterns, on the...
having a second child

having a second child

I heard a friend say recently that second babies are born to make fools of Mama. I wouldn’t say that Teddy is making a fool of me–Anastasia pretty much has that covered–but he certainly is showing me how different babies can be. If I hadn’t...