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no children allowed in restaurants?

The Mommy blogosphere has been buzzing this week over Pittsburgh restaurant McDain’s decision to ban children under the age of six. Most of the comments and blog posts I’ve seen feel that this is discriminatory and unfair. I can see both sides of this...

cross-nursing and milk sharing

Would you cross-nurse someone else’s baby? Or would you pump and share your milk with a baby that needed it? When my daughter was born, she was what is euphemistically called “a high-needs baby.” In non-euphemistic terms, this meant that she wanted...

baby in the hospital, baby at home

Mama Birth Blog wrote a great post last Friday about why she has her babies at home. It brought tears to my eyes–especially the link to a video of typical newborn procedures for babies born in hospitals, which was just plain disturbing. Now, I don’t think...

Atlanta Birth Center campaign kick-off

On July 31, the Atlanta Birth Center will kick off its fundraising campaign with a Bellies to Babies pregnancy and birth event. Actress and natural birth advocate Mayim Bialik will speak about birth options, and local businesses will offer information about their...

koala mommas

If you’re interested in babywearing and you live in Atlanta, you need to visit Koala Mommas. Period. Koala Mommas is a local group that was founded in 2006 by a pair of moms who love to wear their babies. And who love their baby carriers. A lot. I attended quite...