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you might be ready for extended breastfeeding if…

According to the most recent CDC Breastfeeding Report Card, almost 72% of babies born in Georgia are breastfed at birth. But by 6 months, only 10% are still exclusively breastfeeding, and only 18.5% are still breastfeeding at a year. Most mothers in this state...

true confessions tuesday: breastfeeding

This isn’t exactly a confession about my non-organic parenting. But in honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I felt like I really needed to get this off my, er, chest. I used to think breastfeeding was gross. It’s not that I didn’t plan on doing...

cross-nursing and milk sharing

Would you cross-nurse someone else’s baby? Or would you pump and share your milk with a baby that needed it? When my daughter was born, she was what is euphemistically called “a high-needs baby.” In non-euphemistic terms, this meant that she wanted...