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wool sweaters for diaper covers

wool sweaters for diaper covers

I guess it makes sense that my latest obsession with simple diapering systems (i.e., flat diapers) would also lead to an obsession with wool covers. I never used wool covers with my daughter. I was intimidated by the whole wash routine (what exactly is lanolin, and...
flat diapers

flat diapers

My diaper stash drives my husband crazy. I find it amusing that for the past three years I’ve been teaching people how to use cloth diapers and he’s been forgetting how to use them. But it’s not so much that he’s been forgetting how as that I...
the best cloth diapers for you

the best cloth diapers for you

What’s the best kind of cloth diapers? Ask three different cloth diapering moms, and you’ll probably get three different answers. Which type of diaper is “best” depends on many factors–not just price, features, and appearance, but also...

disposable vs. cloth: is hybrid the answer?

Jennifer Labit, the owner of Cotton Babies, the cloth diaper company that manufactures BumGenius diapers, had an interesting post last week about theĀ future of the cloth diaper industry. She believes–and I agree wholeheartedly–that cloth diapers will...