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warning: toddler at play

Playing outside. It’s super important for healthy kids, right? And I would add that free play, with minimal adult supervision, is equally important for healthy kids. But what age is too young to let your kid play outside without you? Read what I think at my...

how to make mom friends

Time for a confession. I’ve joined a cult. Ok, not really. Even though we are a secret group that you can’t get into unless you know someone, and we do have a secret language that most people don’t understand. We’re actually just a group of...
breastfeeding is not normal

breastfeeding is not normal

Breastfeeding is a normal biological process. It’s normal for many mothers and children. But it’s far from normal in the U.S. today. The reaction to Time Magazine’s cover this week demonstrates that. Any woman who has breastfed past a year could have...
7 warning signs your child may be spirited

7 warning signs your child may be spirited

Spirited kids. You’ve heard of them, right? It’s like high-needs, only it sounds better. Instead of saying they’re needy or sensitive or quirky or (heaven forbid) difficult, we say they’re spirited. Whatever that means. What it actually means...
the feminist guide to attachment parenting

the feminist guide to attachment parenting

There’s a conflict among mothers today, and it’s got nothing to do with oppression from the outside. No, the modern oppression of women is much more subtle. It’s from the inside. The mommy wars don’t pit one mother against another — they...